Monday, August 31, 2015

Tarea para martes/miercoles

Prepare a personal presentation!  You will receive an oral grade for this.  The purpose is to get  your over the initial fear of speaking in front of the class, as well as remember what it takes to be a good audience and classmate.

Nota:  Your grade will be based on  6 categories for 2 points each:
 1- totally in Spanish
 2- at least 30 seconds
 3- eye contact with the audience
 4- come prepared and seem to have practiced
 5- voice projection so that your audience can hear you
 6- correct grammar and vocabulary

*Notice, the grade is based more on good presentation practices and less on your overall Spanish this time.

Prompt:    Bring an object from home that tells a significant memory from life or that defines you. You must talk for at least 30 seconds in front of the class.  Stick to what you know - you will receive your first oral presentation grade of the year!  Ideas for sentence structures that you could use.

Me llamo______.
Éste es ___________.
Es importante porque _________.
Me define porque ________.

Me gusta(n) __________.
Yo soy _______.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Tarea para el segundo dia de clase

1.  Read syllabus for details, get a parent/guardian signature, and know that there will be a syllabus quiz on the second day because you are expected to know this information.

2. Name card:  In complete sentences, answer the questions in the four quadrants.  Decorate your name card to express your personality.
  Questions:  a.  Cual es tu programa de television favorito?
                     b.  Cual es tu comida favorita?
                     c.  Cual fue la cosa mas interesante que hiciste este verano?
                     d.  Para que estas emocionado para este ano escolar nuevo?

Hasta pronto!

Course syllabus

5-6 syllabus

Click on the link above to see a copy of this year's syllabus.  You are expected to hold on to this document all year and use it as a reference when you have questions.