Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tarea #13

Periodo 2-4: para el primer dia de abril (periodo 2 y 3 "la parte de practica" tambien)

Periodo 7: para el 4 de abril

Monday, March 28, 2016

Tarea #12

Periodo 2-4:  miercoles, el 30 de marzo
Periodo 7: jueves, el 31 de marzo


Last day for La Niñez quiz retake is Friday, May 1.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Prueba sobre la ninez

Periodo 2-4: el 17 de marzo*
Periodo 7: el 18 de marzo*

La prueba incluye:
- vocabulario de la lista
- conjugaciones de verbos en el imperfecto (irregulares, verbos reflexivos, verbos como gustar)
- cuando usar el infinitvo (usa la hoja)

***If you will not be here during these days, please come in on Thursday to take the quiz during flex time.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Presentaciones de "La Niñez"

Periodos 2-4: Be prepared to present on Friday, March 11

Periodo 7:Be prepared to present Monday, March 15

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tarea para el 9 y 10 de marzo

Día A: Presentations are due on Wednesday, March 9. Please bring a printed copy or be ready to show it to me in your phone.

Día B:  Tarea #10   +   Presentations are due on Thursday, March 10. Please bring a printed copy or be ready to show it to me in your phone.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Periodo 7

Tarea #10 is due for Friday. Keep working on those presentations over the weekend. You must be ready to present on March 14.

Periodos 2-4

Tarea #11 is due for Monday. Also, you should be making corrections to your presentation text if you have received it back. Presentations are due and you must be ready to present on March 11.