Wednesday, December 16, 2015

#19 y #20

#19- practica con el vocabulario de tecnologia y el verbo seguir

#20- Christmas vocab crossword

*due Fri for Per. 2-4, after holiday break for Per. 7

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


#18 es practica con los demonstrativos (este, ese, aquel...) - para el miercoles y el jueves

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


The plan for these two days is to do the comprehensive preterite quiz, then have time to work on your project/presentation.  Please be sure to bring what you need to class to work on your project.  If not, you will be left to read my books in Spanish.

Ideas for how to work in class:
1- finish your timeline visual
2- memorize your presentation
3- practice on a classmate

Wed Flex

Thurs is the last day to make-up/retake the preterite quiz #3 (spelling changes).  I do not have Flex on thurs, my day is wed.  However, there will be a sub in my room on Wed, but, she has instructions and copies of the quiz.  Please come in and take it if you need to!  On Thurs, I will be able to stick around for a few minutes right after school for anyone who still needs to do it1